Posts tagged ‘NASA’

NaPoWriMo #12 revision

One of my poems for NaPoWriMo was an attempt at a sonnet. Although I love the form, I am notoriously bad with meter, so I took that original draft to the Steel Phoenix writers meeting for help. I am actually quite proud that the second stanza appeared to be correct rhythmically!
Here is the updated version, with many thanks to the members of Steel Phoenix:
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NaPoWriMo #12

in honor of the anniversary
of fifty years since Gargarin’s first flight
musicians celebrate the history
with dulcet notes that float throughout the night

their joyful duet, memories abound
the flutes remember heroes Buzz and Neil
whose first few steps, so brave and so profound,
inspired generations with their zeal

aboard the international station
plays Cady Coleman, mission specialist
with Ian Anderson’s proclamation
our heroes: astronauts and scientists

they offer their music, the song “Bourree”
for honoring the explorers esprit

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March Challenge #9 – Exploration

From Cloaked Monk’s March Challenge:

On this day in 1454, explorer Amerigo Vespucci was born. The continent we live on is named after Vespucci. Reflect on exploration.

Another new form for me today, the etheree. On a subject very near and dear to my heart.

Final flight
Brave adventurer
Traveler, explorer
You took our dreams to the stars
You dared to create the future
Eldest of the fleet, first to retire
Welcome home, Lady, you have earned your rest

Haiku Challenge Wrapup

28 days
28 haiku
Thanks to SiS for organizing The Haiku Challenge.
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